Good evening and welcome back from the long weekend! This past week we began working on comparing the different interpretations of the character Spiderman, looking specifically at the Toby [...]
Good evening and welcome back from break! This week we eased back into the swing of things, mostly discussing the latest film news and talking about what movies we saw over break. The students [...]
Good morning and welcome to finals week! The end of the year seems to approach so quickly from Thanksgiving to Christmas, I can’t believe the first semester is almost over. Last week I [...]
Good morning and welcome to week 18! The end of the year seems to approach so quickly from Thanksgiving to Christmas, I can’t believe the first semester is almost over. This past week we [...]
Good morning and welcome to week 15! This past week we started working on our voice over assignment. It was a weird week as I introduced the assignment on Tuesday, had Wednesday to work on it, no [...]
Good afternoon and welcome to week 14! It feels good getting back into the routine after half-days, homecoming, field trips, etc. I had to take a day off this week because of a sick kiddo and [...]
Good afternoon as we move into week 13! It feels good getting back into the routine after half-days, homecoming, field trips, etc. I had to take a day off this week because of a sick kiddo and [...]
Good morning and welcome to week 12! It’s been crazy coming back from break, realizing that I haven’t posted or emailed in a while. With half-days, conferences, homecoming games, etc. [...]
Welcome to week 9! Last week discuss cinematography and spent the week talking about some of the best shots and lines in cinematic history. We look at the choices these directors make and begin [...]
Welcome to week 8! Last week we had a blast watching Knives Out. I’ve never had a class so engrossed in a film. They seemed to love the overall story and I can tell they’re starting [...]