Film Studies Update

 In Film Studies

Good afternoon as we move into week 13!

It feels good getting back into the routine after half-days, homecoming, field trips, etc. I had to take a day off this week because of a sick kiddo and doctor appointments.

This week we did a couple of writing prompts: having the students write their own film reviews and discussing film adaptations and why they might prefer a movie over a book or vice versa. The main idea is to keep them thinking critically about film as more than just a source of entertainment.

As for our next film, it’s an incredibly close race between Beetlejuice and Coraline, with Coraline leading by one vote. I’m trying to source a copy of it but it’s taking some time. In the mean time, we’ll examine camera techniques and have the students practice making their own short videos.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
Not a whole lot going on with Mr. Dudek this week. The kiddos have birthday parties to go to, Peter has soccer game, Myla has dance class. I’ve only got a couple things left to do to finish my current car problems then she’ll be ready to roll. Club volleyball starts in a few weeks so I only get a small reprieve before getting busy again.

Have a great week roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek