Yearbook Update Week 15

 In Yearbook

Good morning and welcome to week 15!

I’m very pleased with the progress we’ve started making on our pages! Nearly every student has gotten logged into our yearbook program and all the pages that have been assigned are being worked on.

We only have a couple more events this month that provide photo opportunities: The Cultural Fair has already wrapped up; the Drama Production of Pride and Prejudice on 11/18,19,20; there are some scrimmage games for basketball on the 19th and 23rd; and the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on 11/24. I’m using this time to try and get as many of the photos from previous events uploaded. It’s difficult because the student computers don’t have a way to import photos so I’m doing all that myself.

Every student has been assigned a page; some students have been made senior editors to look over the yearbook as a whole, while others have been assigned to a group to work on the page.

These efforts will be reflected in the gradebook when I get caught up this weekend. These points are NOT easy to make up either, so make sure to speak with your child about their contributions to the yearbook.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
It was a crazy busy weekend! My Saturday basically ran from 7:30 a.m. straight through till 8 p.m. without pause: Plasma donation, open gym for club volleyball, run an errand to get supplies for the gender reveal, Peter had a soccer game (played well, a few saves when he was in goal), then out to Queen Valley for our gender reveal. It was off-road so it took some time to get to it, but I got to blow something up so it was worth it. We’re having a boy!

Have a great week roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek