Yearbook Update Week 13

 In Yearbook

Good afternoon as we approach week 13!

It feels nice getting back into a routine after the field trips and half days. I was out a day this week with a sick kiddo and doctor appointments.

With the lull coming up between fall and winter sports, we have the awesome opportunity to complete our academic and elective pages to make our lives easier down the line. There are obviously some things we can’t complete until the events come up i.e. cultural fair, STEM fest, etc. but we could possibly finish nearly 60 % of the yearbook by winter break.

Every student has been assigned a page; some students have been made senior editors to look over the yearbook as a whole, while others have been assigned to a group to work on the page.

These efforts will be reflected in the gradebook when I get caught up this weekend. These points are NOT easy to make up either, so make sure to speak with your child about their contributions to the yearbook.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
Not much going on with me this week. The kids are attending birthday parties this weekend, Peter has soccer and Myla has dance. I did get the majority of my car issues sorted by getting the busted tie rod end off and the new one on, just need to torque everything together and it’ll be ready to roll. Club volleyball is coming up soon too so I only get a couple weeks reprieve.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Mr. Dudek