World History/Social Studies Week 31

 In 7th Grade Social Studies, World History

Good afternoon and welcome to week 31 Roadrunners!

What a crazy couple weeks back with half-days, conferences, and testing all in the last two weeks!

We’re slowing things down and diving deeper into our content the closer we get to the end of the school year. Last week we discussed the topic of genocides and focused on the Armenian Genocide of 1914-1918 as our example. We looked at survivor stories, the country’s political history, the after-effects, and the stages of genocide to understand how these events could happen and continue to happen.

This week we started our genocide research project that has the students investigate a specific genocide of their choosing, create a map of the country and where the events occurred, and gather information on a variety of reactions to the genocide using primary and secondary sources along with images and video. The goal is to get it done by Friday but with all the testing I may have to extend it into next week.

What’s New with Mr. Dudek?
Between volleyball, yearbook, 3 kids and a pregnant wife, I’m spent.

Have a great week Roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek