World History/Social Studies Week 18 Update

 In 7th Grade Social Studies, World History

Good morning and welcome to week 18!

We spend the last couple weeks going over the economic theories that developed during the Industrial Revolution. After creating our own inventions to better society, we discussed Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes, and Karl Marx and their beliefs on capitalism, socialism, and communism. This study culminated with the students presenting their “Island Game,” where the students pretend they were shipwrecked on a deserted island following a global catastrophe and had to develop an economic plan for how their island society would function.

We have one more lesson to finish covering nationalism and imperialism, and then review for the final next week.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
It was another busy weekend for the Dudek Family: Peter had a soccer game in Tempe, Myla had dance in Queen Creek. I probably set a speed record for making it from one to the other. We also had the staff Christmas party too so we dropped the kids off at a sitter. The baby was not happy but we so rarely get a child-free evening.

Have a great week roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek