AP World History Update

 In World History

Good morning Roadrunners and welcome to Week 6!

We ended last week with reading about Silk Road and it’s importance as a turning point in history. This week’s topics include Religion and the Silk Road as one of the major contributing factors to the spread of things like goods, beliefs, and disease, The Indian Ocean and Sea Roads, as well as Chinese maritime voyages and connecting to the Sand Roads.

While the readings are short the content is dense, so dutiful noting is important for content retention. We’ll also take a look at AP Classroom with the daily videos and some more AP Test practice.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
Not much, pretty relaxing weekend: Tried a new restaurant with the wifey, The baby is teething something fierce, the older two are excited about their sports. I had to fix a baby gate that my Hulk-like kids insist on breaking every other week. You know, basic dad stuff.

Have a wonderful week Roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek