Yearbook Update

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Wrapping up week 34, on to 35!

It is officially crunch time for the yearbook. We have one week from Monday to get this done and I need as much help as I can get.

Spring Sports team photos are this Monday before and after school and this will be the last of the content we need to complete the yearbook. Theoretically, every other aspect of the yearbook should be completed. Reality, however, is something different.

There is still a lot of work to be done and, quite frankly, the kids aren’t taking it as seriously as they should. Some do, which is fantastic, but I recently discovered activity reports where some students STILL have not logged into our yearbook site. The work for yearbook isn’t difficult work, just tedious, and once the yearbook is done we can all take a collective sigh of relief and look forward to next year. Now is the time to put in the work, finish strong, and know we put our best foot forward in a year that saw the first several weeks entirely home based.

The fact that we were lucky enough to have an in-person school year and make a yearbook is special, so why not make the yearbook as special as we can?

The students have been tasked with finalizing layouts and photos by end of class on Monday so we can spend all of Tuesday-Friday writing our content and proofreading copy and names. It is not going to be easy and if I don’t see some improvement I’m going to have to host work sessions after school to make sure we complete the yearbook as quickly as we can.

Lastly, if you haven’t ordered your yearbook yet, you can still do so at the following: Code: 17675

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
I’m actually typing this from Las Vegas as I’m coaching our 16s club volleyball team her for the weekend. I’ll be returning in the afternoon on Monday so there will likely be a sub and sub plan.

Have a wonderful week Roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek