Yearbook Update

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Welcome to week 27!

I’ve created a topic within classroom to view the upcoming weekly activities that we need photographers. These activities are actually few and far between so we really need to work on completing pages as early as we can as the yearbook deadline will creep up much quicker than anyone expects. Getting the work done now means less to do later.

Winter sports for JH are wrapping up which means we have a lot of pages to be competed. Spring sports for JH begin next week and HS spring sports kick off next month.

This week I outlined a timeline for what page design should take:
Day 1: Template selection and photo placement (maybe 1 extra day if photos are needed)
Day 2: Photo Captions and Headline Writing
Days 3-6: Copywriting (It takes time to conduct interviews and organize our writing. Meet in-person for interviews whenever possible to make it faster as emails take longer to respond to and follow-up questions take even longer.)
Day 7: Background (this is really the last step and shouldn’t take even a full day.)

*It is gut check time. Mr. Tauscher came in and discussed the importance of this year’s yearbook. We’re so lucky to be able to have in-person schooling and have activities that we get the opportunity to photograph and create memories for that we really need to make finishing this book a priority. We’re going to be presenting what we have so for to Mr. Tauscher later this week so even if we’re not done with our pages we need to be ready to explain our work so far as well as the plan to complete the page going forward.

Please speak with your child about their contributions to the book and encourage them to make it their own. Mr. Tauscher came into the class today for a pep talk and even said completing the yearbook on time would get us a pizza party 🙂

It does appear that I need to update the gradebook for the last couple of weeks. I’ll try to have it done by end of day today.

What’s going on with Mr. Dudek?
Busy as a bee. I finally finished putting up the hanging shelves in my garage, put up the wall mount for a TV in the bedroom, put together the basketball hoop for my son, took my daughter to dance class, and took the family to the Phoenix Zoo.

Have a great week Roadrunners,
~Mr. Dudek