World History Update

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On to Week 25!

This week we covered the Italian Renaissance as the official turning point out of the Middle (Dark) Ages. We examined how the the effects of the Black Plague, Great Schism, Great Famine, and 100 years war lead to changes in society that made the renaissance possible. The big activity this week was to create a portfolio of renaissance artwork and explain how the selected pieces represented the new ideas and shift away from medieval thinking.

Next week we’ll be going into detain on the Protestant Reformation and how the changes within the Catholic church sent ripples throughout Europe that impact the landscape even to this day.

What’s going on with Mr. Dudek?
It was my birthday on Thursday. I don’t usually make a big deal of it, don’t really know why, but there was a tremendously overwhelming amount of love shown to me from the San Tan community that makes me feel truly blessed to be among the staff here.

I hope you have a terrific week!
Mr. Dudek