Sports Broadcasting Update

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Welcome to week 28!

Each week I get more and more positive feedback regarding our livestreams, so thank you those of you who have been assisting with that.

This is the last week for home winter sports, so Friday the 26th is senior night. We’re looking to expand our coverage this game with an additional camera so having more students work the game means lighter work and more opportunities for easier graded work.

Since it’s senior night, we’re also hoping to feature our senior athletes with profile stories. Both signup geniuses can be found here:

Live Stream Coverage
Profile Article options

Even with the extra camera operator and profile articles, there is still the “game story” that can be written about the game. Here are the four areas that we are honing in on that will determine how points are earned for the class:
1) Live broadcast. This consists of four areas: a) camera operator, b) tablet operator, c) music manager, d) PA/play-by-play announcer.
2) Stat-taking – to be used with game story writing.
3) Game story writing
4) Feature Profile story writing.

For home-based learners, this means that you won’t be able to do the live broadcasting portion, but can still watch the stream to take stats, work on the game story, or focus on players/coaches to do a profile story on. This week we’ll review the “game story” as well as feature profiles. Take notes on the games and email players/coaches after the contests. Link to youtube channel below.

San Tan Charter Athletics

So, between the livestreaming, story writing, stats and profiles, we have plenty to do in class.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
Boys volleyball starts next week, so what little time I did have available is now gone.

Have a terrific week!
Mr. Dudek