Sports Broadcasting Update
On to week 22!
What an interesting week it has been. The AIA reversed its initial decision regarding winter sports, so HS boys basketball is back on. Our first home games are on Friday and I need two camera operators for each game.
The signup genius for the games can be found here: Activities 1/19-1/22
That being said, I am a bit concerned about the participation in class. This week we were to submit a project proposal and timeline for completing the videos and fewer than half the students have turned it in. It’s going to make life more difficult trying to turn in a project that hasn’t been planned out and prepped for properly.
Please encourage your child by asking what they’re working on for their projects. They enjoy watching videos enough that making their own should be a piece of cake.
Next week is for editing. The timeline I gave for the assignment was to have a finished product by next Friday (the 22nd) so the videos need to be filmed by Wednesday so we can begin editing.
What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
Club volleyball has its first tournament this weekend and my middle child, Myla, will be celebrating her 4th birthday so we’ll be celebrating.
Have a terrific week!
Mr. Dudek