Sports Broadcasting Update

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Happy Week 20 everyone!

The final week is upon us!

The students have had the week to work on their final projects (which are due Tuesday). Students were given three different options for how to complete the final. I made this decision due to the varying circumstances that are in-person vs. home-based learning, those with computers vs. those without computers. The options include a) recording a voiceover of a sporting event as if they were broadcasting it b) filming a Sportscenter-type video discussing sporting events (either professional or San Tan), or a written article on the same topic.

To be honest, I didn’t see a whole lot of video being filmed. I don’t know if they plan on doing this outside of class time but it is definitely worth talking with your child about to see what their topic is because this isn’t a project that can be done last-minute.

Thank you to my volunteers for helping stream the basketball game last night. From the viewer count it looks as if it was well received!

What’s going on with Mr. Dudek?
Nothing new. Club volleyball is in full swing. I’ve got some work to do on the cars but aside from that it should be a relaxing weekend leading up to break.

As ALWAYS, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns please feel free to reach out.

Have a great week Roadrunners,
~Mr. Dudek