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Happy end of week 4 Roadrunners!

We had a very busy week this week working on our writing skills. One of the big criticisms of last year’s yearbook was that there wasn’t much writing and when there was there were errors, so we’re working to fix that! We’ve studied AP style, alternative forms of copy, interviewing techniques, and writing in the active voice. The students, as a class, interviewed me and were responsible for submitting a mini-biography of me based on their interview questions. We finished off the week with a quiz on the various topics we covered in class.

Here is a snapshot of this week:
*Daily bellwork (linked and listed in Classroom)
*Early Release Wednesday (no class)
*MAP Testing Thurs-Fri periods 1-4 (no class)

The kids have worked like real troopers with not much to take photos of and no pages to start putting together, but that’ll all end in a couple of weeks when we return with our hybrid model. That being said, with our limited time next week in-class we’ll be going over camera work and how to take good photos. Many of the students want to be photographers (not so many for layout and design, but you can’t have a layout without photos:) so I know they’re looking forward to getting behind the lens.

I’ve been updating Infinite Campus a lot lately but if you notice an error please reach out to me.

I’ll be out of town this weekend for a wedding in Wisconsin, leaving Friday morning and returning Monday afternoon. If you need to reach out to me I will have email, though I might not respond as quickly as I normally do.

I hope you have a terrific week and I’ll see you Tuesday,

Mr. Dudek