Film Studies Week 35 Update

 In Film Studies

Good afternoon Roadrunners and welcome to week 35!

Between the insanity that is end of year volleyball and yearbook I realized I haven’t been following up with the amazingness that is Film Studies! We wrapped up our Bond unit with Skyfall, examining character arc and how to represent that through filmmaking techniques.

After Skyfall, we used the week to examine the messages that film can teach us. Students were assigned a paper to view a film that features political themes to break down. For instance, in Skyfall we discussed the role of spies and how governments treat their agents. Films like V for Vendetta examine England under Margaret Thacher, and even movies like Independence Day can be an allegory for illegal immigration. The idea is to recognize how movies can tie into the events of the day for influence while also being “just a movie.”

The goal is to get the students to recognize what the effects are of deliberate cinematography choices and how to replicate them in their own films, to help students find a voice in today’s world and a different avenue to express themselves.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
With the end of the year approaching both volleyball and yearbook have wrapped up. I’d say I’d use the time to sleep, but my children seem bent on making sure that doesn’t happen.

Have a great weekend roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek