Film Studies Update

 In Film Studies

Good afternoon and we’re on to week 4!

This week we further explored our study of screenplay. After viewing a drama like the ​Social Network​ I thought a change of pace would be good and we watch a majority of ​Monty Python and the Holy Grail ​(excluding the Tale of Sir Galahad, which gets pretty raunchy). We discussed why comedy is so difficult to write and how trying to tell a cohesive story when the focus is humor can be difficult.

We ended the week with looking at what a screenplay can do for both filmmakers and directors while also examining the 5-Act Structure. Next week we’ll continue our exploration of screenplay and begin so basic exercises for writing a scene.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?

My two older kiddos are going up to Flagstaff for a camping trip with our church this weekend so my wife and I will get some much needed R&R with just the baby around (who also happens to have a cold, poor girl 🙁 ) Maybe I’ll start a new woodworking project, because I can’t stand being idle.