AP World History Update Week 15

 In AP World History

Good morning and welcome to week 15!

I know we’re all happily sighing relief with the end of the Cultural Fair. The students really knocked it out of the park. We’ll do some reflection this week and see what we can improve for next year.

Last week I’d mentioned how we to stay on top of our readings and work in AP Classroom, then forgot to post the readings for AP Classroom. They were drafted, I simply forgot to click post. We’ll work this week on finishing up unit 4 and beginning unit 5: from Transoceanic Interconnections to the age of Revolutions.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
It was a crazy busy weekend! My Saturday basically ran from 7:30 a.m. straight through till 8 p.m. without pause: Plasma donation, open gym for club volleyball, run an errand to get supplies for the gender reveal, Peter had a soccer game (played well, a few saves when he was in goal), then out to Queen Valley for our gender reveal. It was off-road so it took some time to get to it, but I got to blow something up so it was worth it. We’re having a boy!

Have a great week roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek