AP World History Update Week 14

 In AP World History

Good afternoon and welcome to week 14!

The tricky part of AP World is when we have larger school-based projects we still need to get through our AP coursework. So with the cultural fair coming up on Friday, we still have our readings and practices that go along with it.

Reading topics this week finish up Unit 4: compare the impact of the fur trade on North America and Siberia, Students need to understand that religious changes were not just exclusive to Europe in this time period. This section gives a good explanation of cultural synthesis with Christianity in the Americas.

At the end of this week we’ll conclude with MCQ, FRQ, and DBQ practice. These have been assigned in AP classroom, with the DBQ having an open due date based on the time for cultural fair.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
It was a busy weekend: Club volleyball tryouts, family visiting for the races at PIR, kiddos had sports on Saturday.
Also, I told the students last week but my wife and I are expecting #4! Baby due June.

Have a wonderful week Roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek