Yearbook Update Week 37-38

 In Yearbook

Happy finals week Roadrunners!

It’s been a crazy journey but the end of the year is at hand. These last few weeks we really try to stay busy even when the yearbook has been submitted. The students have been working on writing letters to future staffers, preparing critiques and suggestions on how to make next year’s class’ lives easier. The idea here is to have a staff guide/manual that can be added onto and passed on each year for the new group of students taking on the mantle of yearbook gurus.

Last week the students were assigned their final projects: They were tasked with creating their own mock yearbook, either making a starting point for next year’s theme and layouts or creating a autobiographical book containing photos of them from this past year, complete with copywriting, captions, layout, headlines, cover, the whole works. This is being used in lieu of a traditional final exam as this is hardly a traditional class.

What’s New With Mr. Dudek?
While its nice being able to go home at a reasonable hour, I sometimes don’t know what to do with all my extra time now that volleyball and the yearbook are done. Weekends are still plenty busy with sick kids and birthday parties to attend, lots of stuff to be done around the house in preparation for baby #4, who is due on June 22nd. Exciting times.

Have a wonderful week Roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek