World History/Social Studies Update

 In 7th Grade Social Studies, World History

Good morning and welcome to week 15!

Last week we finished up our Cultural Fair and I know everyone is relieved it is over. It also marks the end of our studies on Political Revolutions. According to our curriculum map we only have about 5-6 weeks to go until winter break!

This week we’re going to reflect on the cultural fair a bit: what worked well, what didn’t. What would we change or keep the same about the fair next year. After that We’re diving into the Industrial Revolution, covering topics such as; impact on industrialized vs. non-industrialized nations, the origins of modern economic systems such as capitalism, communisms, and socialism, as well as the important figures in each.

What’s new with Mr. Dudek?
It was a crazy busy weekend! My Saturday basically ran from 7:30 a.m. straight through till 8 p.m. without pause: Plasma donation, open gym for club volleyball, run an errand to get supplies for the gender reveal, Peter had a soccer game (played well, a few saves when he was in goal), then out to Queen Valley for our gender reveal. It was off-road so it took some time to get to it, but I got to blow something up so it was worth it. We’re having a boy!

Have a great week roadrunners!
Mr. Dudek